I accept terms and conditions

Terms Of Use

  1. www.Sea4You.pl portal [hereinafter referred to as: Sea4You] is owned by Seafarers Trade Union Organisation (OMK NSZZ Solidarność) with its seat in Szczecin, 71-604, at Ul. Szarotki 8 [hereinafter referred to as: Administrator].

  2. Using the Sea4You portal is simultaneous with accepting all points of the following regulations [hereinafter referred to as: Regulations].

  3. Sea4You portal is aimed for Users, including Advertisers (direct employers, companies recruiting employees or employment services) or Employees (sailors and other people employed within the marine branch).

  4. Sea4You portal is solely of informative character, and in particular it cannot be treated as employment agency, employment service providers, etc.

  5. Using the Sea4You portal is free of charge for all users.

  6. Browsing through job offers does not require registering a User. Both the Advertisers and Employees can register. Registration is free of charge. Registration enables Employers to add offers for people to be hired. Employees may enter their CV in the database and they gain access to the tool facilitating the search for interesting offers. Advertisers can add logotypes related with their companies to their offers. Users are obliged to state true data during the registration process and they shall be held responsible in case of stating untrue or false data..

  7. Sea4You portal is to prevent the phenomenon of unemployment and provide help to sailors who do not work.

  8. Advertiser shall only enter its individual job offers or job offers, which have been authorized by the Employer. Offers should reflect the true conditions of employment.

  9. Placed offers need to have a validity date.

  10. Expired offers should be immediately removed.

  11. Offers in Sea4You portal can be repeated (the same Advertiser, the same name of the position, place of employment).

  12. Placed offers should not include links to other Internet sites.

  13. Advertisers shall not publish information that is not compliant with the aim of Sea4You portal.

  14. Advertiser is responsible for the content of job offers and consequences related with placing the information in an advert, including the possession of rights to use the individual name and logotype of the Advertiser or an entity that the offer concerns.

  15. Administrator shall not be held responsible for the content of offers and protection of individual names and logotypes of Advertisers and entities that are placed in offers published on the sites of Sea4You portal. Sea4You portal does not participate in transactions between its Users, who take advantage of Sea4You portal resources. The whole responsibility resulting from the use of information included in Sea4You portal shall be borne by those, who use the service. Sea4You portal is not an offer, but it only presents information collected in Sea4You portal.

  16. Administrator shall not be held responsible for technical capability and availability of Sea4You portal. The activity of Sea4You portal is not a service activity, nor any other commercial activity. Functioning of Sea4You portal might be ended at any time on the basis of the sole decision of the Administrator – in such case the Users shall have no rights to file claims towards the Administrator.

  17. Administrator reserves the right to withdraw the placed offer when it shall be placed against the provisions of these Regulations. Administrator reserves the right to delete accounts of a User after obtaining credible information concerning the irregularities within the realization of contracts concluded by the given User.

  18. Administrator shall reserve the right to block the account of the Advertiser in case of violating the provisions of these Regulations, or in case of presenting false or misleading offers.

  19. When browsing the www.sea4you.pl Internet site certain information may be collected in a passive manner, especially by means of “cookie” files, Internet markers, by collecting navigation data, which the User hereby approves. What is more, the User accepts the possibility that certain cookie files or other files of similar functions shall be left in its computer system.

  20. Users agree that the Administrator will process the submitted personal data in order to realize the functions of Sea4You portal, according to binding legal regulations. The Administrator reserves the right to send information related with the activity of Seafarers Trade Union Organisation NSZZ Solidarność to the Users. Users shall have the right to obtain information on processing their own personal data. The User shall have the right to demand a correction, blocking or removal of any improper data.

  21. User data shall not be provided to any third party, apart from entities entitled to obtain such data due to the binding Act. The previous sentence shall not relate to data submitted in offers presented within Sea4You portal.

  22. The Administrator may change the present Regulations at any time. Each change shall come to life on the day of presenting it, except for changes concerning the introduction of payments and conditions of allowing the users to use the Sea4You portal, as these changes shall come into life 12 months after the date of announcing them.

  23. The Administrator may change the functionality of Sea4You portal, including the functions available for registered Users.

  24. 24. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

    Information clause for users on sea4you.pl vortal


    Based on Article. 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (general regulation on protection data), we hereby inform you that:


    The administrator of your personal data is the OMK NSZZ Solidarność in Szczecin. You can contact us by writing to the following address: OMK Szczecin, ul. Szarotki 8, 71-604 Szczecin or to the e-mail address: biuro@nms.org.pl
    Personal Data Inspector at the OMK NSZZ Solidarność: Chairman of OMK NSZZ Solidarność Contact with the Inspector: Chairman of the Seafarers Trade Union Organisation NSZZ S ul. Szarotki 8, 71-604 Szczecin, e-mail: biuro@nms.org.pl, Tel: 91 422 02 02.


    Your personal data are processed only for the purposes of the functioning of the Internet job portal for seafarers - Sea4You or for the unique needs of the OMK NSZZ "S".


    Your personal data are processed in connection with the acceptance of the vortal terms as well as their processing is dictated by the necessary requirements of the vortal.


    Your personal data will be kept for the period necessary for participants using the vortal, including the Act on the National Archival Resources and Archives (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 217, as amended) and taking into account the time limits for claims.


    Your personal data will be forwarded to companies that support the website and for our needs. In the scope regarding executing orders for the OMK in Szczecin and intermediary agencies, and other entities authorized under the law.


    We will not transfer your personal data to unlicensed entities.


    You have the right to demand to have access to your data, rectification, transfer and deletion, as well as the right to limit data processing.


    In relation to the processing of your personal data, you have the right to lodge a complaint and have the right to lodge a complaint to the Board of Seafarers Trade Union Organisation OMK NSZZ S, ul. Szarotki 8, 71-604 Szczecin, and the Office for the protection of personal data.


    Based on your personal data, we will not take automated decisions for you, including decisions that result from profiling


Szczecin 11.09.2019


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